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Difference between absolute and relative muscle strength according to resistance exercise proficiency



In this study, the absolute and relative strength of six upper extremity resistance exercises were measured by classifying resistance exercise experts and non-experts. As a result, the skilled group showed higher absolute and relative muscle strength than the unskilled group in the 6 upper extremity resistance exercises. These results are judged to be the hypertrophy of fast-twith muscles, the mobilization of motor units, and the increase in the speed of nerve conduction while the skilled person consistently performs resistance exercise. Experts use intermuscular coordination efficiently to stably perform the load according to the movement and exercise intensity performed during exercise, whereas the inexperienced person uses relatively large muscle groups rather than efficiently using intermuscular coordination. It is considered that exercise motion and load were performed by mobilizing. In addition, as a result of comparing the absolute and relative muscle strength between the 6 types of upper limb resistance exercises, there was a difference between the 6 types of upper limb resistance exercises in the two groups. It can be judged that greater muscle strength and endurance were created through liver coordination.


1. Introduction
2. Experiment Materials and Methods
2.1 Subject
2.2 Research procedure
2.3 Statistical Analysis
3. Result
3.1. Comparison of absolute muscle strength between skilled and unskilled people
3.2. Comparison of relative muscle strength between skilled and unskilled
3.3. Comparative results of absolute muscle strength according to unskilled exercise movements
3.4. Comparative results of relative muscle strength according to in experienced exercise movements
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Sang-Hyun Lee Researcher, Sports Science Institute, Dankook University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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