

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

The Impact of Individuals’ Motivational System on Attitude toward the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Homes



Smart home and artificial intelligence technologies are developing rapidly, and various smart home systems associated with artificial intelligence (AI) improved the quality of living for people. In the present research, we examine the role of individuals’ motivational system in their responses to the application of AI in smart homes. In particular, this research focuses on individuals’ prevention motivational system and investigates whether individuals’ attitudes toward the application of AI in smart homes differ according to their level of prevention motivation. Specifically, it is hypothesized that individuals with strong (vs. weak) prevention motivation will have more favorable attitudes toward the application of AI in smart homes. Consistent with the hypothesis, the results reveal that the respondents in the strong (vs. weak) prevention motivation reported significantly more favorable attitudes toward the six types of AI-based application in smart homes (e.g., AI-based AR/VR games, AI pet care system, AI robots, etc.). Our findings suggest that individuals’ prevention motivational system may be an effective market segmentation tool in facilitating their positive responses to the application of AI in smart homes.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background and Hypothesis Development
3. Method
4. Results
5. Conclusion


  • Moon-Yong Kim Professor, College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea
  • Heayon Cho Assistant Professor, Dep. of Interior Design, Konkuk University, Chungju, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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