A Study on the Satisfaction of Startup Companies for the Role of Business Incubation Centers
This study aims to find satisfactory or unsatisfactory factors that startups either currently being occupied in or already left the business incubator made in a survey with a total of the sixteen firms responded. Among the sixteen, ten were the firms that have occupied in the business incubator and the six firms left the incubator. Mostly, the firms were satisfied with the incubator’s roles with showing 4.4 satisfaction. The support for business facilities were the number one factor for the incubator has to do with the firms had positive answers from the firms. However, support for the production or sales showed less satisfaction compared to business facilities, a need that the incubator should improve the roles for the future. The results of this study can contribute to the development of medium and long-term plans for the business incubator.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 정부정책 동향
2.2 정부정책 변화
2.3 지원정책 및 서비스 현황
3. 연구 설계
3.1 조사대상 및 방법
3.2 설문 구성
4. 만족도 결과
4.1 기업 및 산업구성
4.2 정책지원 만족도
4.3 기업자금지원 만족도
4.4 시설지원 만족도
4.5 네트워킹 지원 만족도
4.6 기술지원 만족도
4.7 생산지원 만족도
4.8 경영지원 만족도
4.9 판매지원 만족도
4.10 종합만족도 및 단계별 핵심요인 분석
5. 결론 및 시사점