

Session Ⅰ: ESG & International Business

남북교류협력사업과 공동 ESG 발전전략 정책연구


Inter-Korean exchange and cooperation projects and joint development strategy policy research


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, changes in conditions around the Korean Peninsula and the necessity of creating a foundation for North-South unification and cooperation were presented, and the current status and problems of inter- Korean exchange and cooperation projects were analyzed. In addition, I would like to focus on the 5th Comprehensive National Territorial Plan and the contents of implementation tasks, and suggest directions for development to establish a foundation for inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation in the future. Therefore, to lay the groundwork for inter-Korean exchange and cooperation, first, it is to seek a basic direction under the basic principles of inter-Korean exchange and cooperation. The second is to establish a support system for inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation. Third, for the smooth promotion of inter- Korean exchange and cooperation projects, an appropriate division of roles between the private sector and the public is necessary. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen the international cooperation system in order to vitalize economic exchange and cooperation with North Korea the border area. Fifth, inter-Korean exchange and cooperation projects need to seek the establishment of a development plan on the Korean Peninsula.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구 및 국내외 연구동향
Ⅲ. 주변환경변화와 남북교류협력 ESG 기반조성
1. 한반도의 주변환경변화
2. 남북협력교류 재개의 필연성
3. 남북건설산업 필요성과 ESG 국토기반조성
Ⅳ. 남북교류협력사업의 추진현황과 문제점
1. 남북교류협력사업의 추진현황
2. 남북한 교류사업의 문제점 및 과제
Ⅴ. 제5차 국토종합계획과 실천과제 ESG 추진전략
1. 추진현황
2. 세부추진 ESG 실천과제
3. 추진검토 및 ESG전략방향
Ⅵ. 남북교류협력 기반조성 구축을 위한 공동 ESG 정책방향
1. 남북교류협력의 ESG 기본방향
2. 남북교류협력 지원시스템의 구축모색
3. 남북교류협력의 공공 및 민간역할 체계구축
4. 국제협력체계 구축 및 남북한 공동 발전전략의 구상
Ⅶ. 결론


  • 김행종 Kim Haeng-jong. 세명대학교 부동산지적학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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