

방위산업과 방산안보 발전방안


Defense Industry and Defense Industry Security Development Plan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines the defense industry and defense industry policies, and reviews defense industry incidents and defense industry security activities to suggest defense industry security development plans. In Defense Industry and Defense Industry Policy, an overview of the defense industry and the new government’s defense industry policy are reviewed. In Defense Industry Incidents and Defense Industry Security Activities, the current status of defense industry incidents and ongoing cases are reviewed, and the defense industry security of intelligence investigation agencies is reviewed. activities, defense industry technology protection activities of the DAPA(Defense Acquisition Program Administration) and defense industry security activities of the Defense Intelligence Agency were reviewed. As a defense industry security development plan, first, as a defense industry technology protection development plan, support for preparing a pan-governmental consultative body to respond to cyber threats in the defense industry, establishment of a defense industry technology protection center, and support for systematization of response to reports of infringement of technology leakage through cooperation with intelligence investigation agencies. Second, as measures to develop defense industry security and national intelligence, preparation for transfer of defense industry security investigative work, vitalization of defense industry security information sharing system, and specialization of national information work. Third, as a way to develop defense industry security and defense information business, promote the establishment of a defense industry information support organization and a dedicated organization for defense industry security, integrated maintenance of defense industry security-related laws and regulations that are currently being distributed and operated, and establish a virtuous cycle structure of ‘high-tech power construction and defense industry export expansion’ Promoting state affairs, etc.


방위산업과 방산안보 발전방안은 방위산업과 방산정책을 살펴보고, 방산사건과 방산안보 활동을 검토하여 방산안 보 발전방안을 제시하고자 한다. 방위산업과 방산정책에서 방위산업에 대한 개관과 신정부의 방산정책을 살펴보고, 방산사건과 방산안보 활동에서 는 방산사건의 현황과 현재 진행 중인 사건을 살펴보고 정보수사기관의 방산안보 활동, 방사청의 방산기술보호 활동 및 국방정보본부의 방산보안 활동을 검토하였다. 방산안보 발전방안으로 첫째, 방산기술보호 발전방안으로 방산분야 사이버위협 대응 범정부 협의체 마련 지원, 방위산업기술보호센터 설립, 정보수사기관(방첩기관) 협력을 통한 기술유출침해 신고대응 체계화 지원이다. 둘째, 방산안보와 국가정보업무 발전방안으로 방산안보 수사업무 이관준비 및 방산안보 정보공유체계 활성화, 국 가정보업무 전문화이다. 셋째, 방산보안과 국방정보업무 발전방안으로 방산정보 지원조직과 방산보안 전담조직 신설추진, 현재 분산운영 중인 방산안보법령 통합정비 및 ‘첨단전력 건설과 방산수출 확대의 선순환 구조 마련’ 국정과제 추진 등이다.


I. 서론
Ⅱ. 방위산업과 방산정책
Ⅲ. 방산사건과 방산안보 활동
Ⅳ. 방산안보 발전방안
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김영기 Kim, Young Ki. 참인재대학, 강남대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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