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An Overview on the Determinants of Classical Turkish Literature Aesthetics


Yakup Yeşilyaprak

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aesthetics of classical Turkish literature is influenced by a quite rich background. The period of classical Turkish literature covers a period of approximately six centuries in the history of Turkish literature. However, the factors shaping its aesthetics date back much further. The determinants of this aesthetics can be traced back to Sumerian, Babylonian and ancient Indian, Iranian, Greek and Arabic thought. It also bears significant traces of the Roman and Byzantine periods. These traces are generally mythological, theological, philosophical and mystical. In addition to these traces, it is possible to argue that various religions and beliefs, especially Islam, have influenced the aesthetics significantly. Moreover, some ontological, epistemological, psychological and moral theories are among the determinants. Phenomena such as music, plays, rituals, daily life practices and political developments are among the other factors that influence the aesthetics of classical Turkish literature. This study attempts to provide an overview of the determinants of the aesthetics of classical Turkish literature and how they have been transformed into aesthetic expression. By doing so, the study aims to provide a better understanding and recognition of the aesthetics of classical Turkish literature. The main question to be answered in the study is “What kind of perception of art and beauty do the texts of classical Turkish literature have and how is this perception shaped?”. This question will be answered through some examples from the texts of classical Turkish literature. The examples are selected from those that can be used to make general judgments about the aesthetics of classical Turkish literature.


1. Introduction
2. The Aesthetics of Unity
4. The Aesthetics of Garden
5. The Aesthetics of Harmony: Poetry-Music Partnership
6. The Aesthetics of Folk Tradition: The Meeting of Poetry and Tradition
7. Conclusion


  • Yakup Yeşilyaprak Ardahan University, Ardahan, Türkiye


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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