

<Special Features : Close Friends of Distant Horizons: Cultural Reflections from Türkiye to Korea>

Construction of The Culture in Turkish Television Advertisements


Betül Çanakpınar

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Communication provides an understanding of the culture of a society and the symbols, values, and norms within that culture. It is aimed to persuade the target audience by making use of cultural signs in advertisements, which are one of the communication methods. Therefore, the cultural codes of the society in which individuals live are placed in advertisements. While advertisements are influenced by culture, they also influence culture. Advertisements can reflect the cultural characteristics of the society as well as their power to influence and direct societies. In this sense, as advertisements are mirrors of society, they should reflect the culture accurately in order to be successful. Based on the idea that advertising is a cultural sign, in this study, the way culture is presented in advertisements is examined. For this purpose, how the cultural values and norms of Turkish society are presented in advertisements and how they are placed in advertisement texts are emphasized. In this context, ‘Kent Advertisement of Bairam’, which emphasizes the values of Turkish society, was selected and examined. It was emphasized which cultural elements were included in this commercial, and how these elements and characters were positioned. In the advertisement, which was analyzed with the method of cultural semiotics, it was seen that the cultural elements were presented successfully and the characters in the advertisement were positioned in accordance with Turkish culture.


1. Introduction
2. Semiotics, Cultural Semiotics
3. Advertisement and Television Culture
4. Analysis of ‘Kent Advertisement of Bairam’
4.1. Visual Elements in the Advertisement
4.2. Linguistic Elements in the Advertisement


  • Betül Çanakpınar İstinye University, İstanbul, Türkiye


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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