

Roles of RasW in Cell Morphology, Migration, and Development in Dictyostelium


Nara Han, Taeck Joong Jeon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Dictyostelium , there are 15 Ras subfamilies, including 11 Ras, 3 Rap, 1 Rheb. The Ras proteins are involved in regulating various cell processes as switch proteins. The functions of many Ras proteins have been identified, but some of Ras proteins have not yet been identified. Here, we focused on identifying the roles of RasW among them. To investigate the functions of RasW in cell morphology, cell migration, and development in Dictyostelium , we compared the phenotypes of wild-type cells and rasW null cells. rasW null cells showed a larger, more spread-out morphology and reduced cell motility compared to wild-type cells. There was no significant difference between wild-type cells and rasW null cells during multicellular developmental process. These results suggest that RasW is involved in regulating cell morphology and cell migration in Dictyostelium.


1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Strains and cell culture
2.2. Development
2.3. Random motility
2.4. Analysis of random motility
3. Results
4. Discussion


  • Nara Han Department of Integrative Biological Science & BK21 FOUR Educational Research Group for Age-associated Disorder Control Technology, Chosun University
  • Taeck Joong Jeon Department of Integrative Biological Science & BK21 FOUR Educational Research Group for Age-associated Disorder Control Technology, Chosun University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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