

A Study on Character Design Using [Midjourney] Application




In recent years, the emergence of a number of AI image generation software represented by [Midjourney] has brought great impetus to the development of the field of AI-assisted art creation. Compared with the traditional hand-painted digital painting with the aid of electronic equipment, broke the traditional sense of animation character creation logic.This paper analyzes the application of AI technology in the field of animation character design through the practice of two-dimensional animation character . This is having a significant impact on the productivity and innovation of animation design and character modeling. The key results of the analysis indicate that AI technology, particularly through the utilization of "Midjourney,"enables the automation of certain design tasks, provides innovative approaches, and generates visually appealing and realistic characters. In conclusion, the integration of AI technology, specifically the application of "Midjourney," brings a new dimension to animation character design. The utilization of AI image generation software facilitates streamlined workflows, sparks creativity, and improves the overall quality of animated characters. As the animation industry continues to evolve, AI-assisted tools like "Midjourney" hold great potential for further advancement and innovation.


1. Introduction
1.1 Registration and Use
1.2 Main Application Areas
2. Midjournay Role Generation
2.1 Character Generation
3. Midjourney Effect on Traditional Role Generation
3.1 Development Stage and Status
3.2 Impact on the Role of Character Designers
3.3 Improvement of Character Production Rate
4. Inadequacies and Possible Development Directions
5. Conclusion


  • Chen Xi Doctor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents Dongguk University, Korea
  • Jeanhun Chung Professor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents Dongguk University, Korea


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