

Comparative Analysis of AI Painting Using [Midjourney] and [Stable Diffusion] - A Case Study on Character Drawing -



The widespread discussion of AI-generated content, fueled by the emergence of consumer applications like ChatGPT and Midjourney, has attracted significant attention. Among various AI applications, AI painting has gained popularity due to its mature technology, user-friendly nature, and excellent output quality, resulting in a rapid growth in user numbers. Midjourney and Stable Diffusion are two of the most widely used AI painting tools by users. In this study, the author adopts a perspective that represents the general public and utilizes case studies and comparative analysis to summarize the distinctive features and differences between Midjourney and Stable Diffusion in the context of AI character illustration. The aim is to provide informative material for those interested in AI painting and lay a solid foundation for further in-depth research on AI-generated content. The research findings indicate that both software can generate excellent character images but with distinct features.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Comparison of Basic Characteristics
4. Character Production Comparison
4.1 Appearance (facial features, hair style, clothes)
4.2 Expression
4.3 Pose
5. Conclusion


  • Pingjian Jie Master’s Course, Dept. of Multimedia, Graduate School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Xinyi Shan Doctor’s Course, Dept. of Multimedia, Graduate School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jeanhun Chung Professor, Dept. of Multimedia, Graduate School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea


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