

A Study on the Effective Production of Game Weapons Using ZBrush



With the rapid adoption of 5G, the gaming industry has undergone significant innovation, with the quality of game content and player experience becoming the focal point of attention. ZBrush, as a professional digital sculpting software, plays a crucial role in the production of 3D game models. In this paper, we explore the application methods and techniques of ZBrush in game weapons production through specific case analyses. We provide a detailed analysis of two game weapon models, discussing the design and modeling process, low-to-high poly conversion, UV unwrapping and texture baking, material texture creation and optimization, and final rendering. By comparing the production process and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of ZBrush, we establish a theoretical foundation for further design research and provide reference materials for game industry professionals, aiming to achieve higher quality and efficiency in 3D game model production.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Experiments
3.1 The Weapon Model Case of Firearm
3.2 The Weapon Model Case of Knife
4. Discussion
4.1 Summary of Game Weapons Crafting Methods
4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages Analysis
5. Conclusion


  • YunChao Yang Master’s Course, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Xinyi Shan Doctor’s Course, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jeanhun Chung Professor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea


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