

The Effects of ESG on Returns : Focusing on Chinese IT Companies




This paper selects 100 IT companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2020, and the public announcement in Hwajung collects ESG integrated ratings and grades for each sector and empirically verifies the relationship between ESG ratings and stock returns. Huazheng ESG level data and QIANZHAN database Using corporate financial data, a total of 500 samples were selected through correlation analysis and linear regression analysis with SPSS23 to analyze the effect of ESG on Return. As a result of the analysis, first, the impact on stock returns was found to be a significant positive (+) value for ESG integrated ratings and ratings by E (environment), S (social), and G (governance) sectors, confirming that ESG ratings have a positive mold of corporate stock returns. Currently, the world's major economies have proposed sustainable development strategies and "carbon neutral" goals. Development strategies are very consistent with ESG concepts, and companies that agree and execute ESG concepts may have higher ratings than other companies in the same industry, resulting in certain evaluation premiums. In addition, capital market performance in recent years shows that companies with ESG concepts or "carbon neutrality" concepts are generally considered to have higher growth potential and stronger anti-risk capabilities in the market. For listed companies, they should focus on ESG investment, improve ESG performance, and actively disclose related information to investors. Improving ESG performance should deliver positive information to society, enhance corporate image, increase market confidence in the future development of listed companies, and positively improve corporate value to actively increase financial, financial, trading, and other aspects of negotiation.


2. Review of Previous Studies and Hypotheses
3. Sample Selection and Research Method
4. Research Results
5. Conclusion


  • Jun-Chen Lin Master, Department of Business Administrations, Semyung University, Korea
  • Ji-Young Kwak Associate Professor, Department of Business Administrations, Semyung University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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