

The Importance of Nursing Ethics for Establishing a Life-Respect Community - Focusing on the Korean War -




This study attempted to identify the ethical principles of nurses who realized care in the war field with a nurse's unique professional spirit, and to explore a more specialized and subdivided concept of ethical nursing in the future. War has occurred frequently in history, and the outcome has always been tragic. There are always different opinions about what it means to discuss the ethics of these wars. Despite these controversies, the ethics of nursing, which always takes care of the sick at the scene of war, is interpreted regardless of war. The ethical spirit of nursing is to respect life and take care of those who need help. Whether the person asking for help is a soldier or a civilian, it doesn't matter where it is or what the purpose of the war is. Nursing practiced nursing based on the principle of bioethics for all, even in war scenes where there was no ethical reference point. This study explains that it is necessary to inherit the spirit of nursing, which practiced ethical care even in such cruel scenes of the past, and to protect the ethical fundamental spirit of nursing even in the changing environment in the future society.


1. Introduction
2. Contents
2.1 An Ethical Approach to War
2.2 Nursing Ethics
2.3 The Role of Nurses During the Korean War
3. Contents


  • Eun Young, Jung Prof., Dept. of Nursing, Cheongam College., Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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