

Exploring X-event in the Field of Near-Future Population



There are unimaginable possibilities ahead of us. As a result, it is difficult to predict the future, but the prediction itself is not meaningless. This is because it can have the flexibility to cope with contingencies by predicting various possibilities. This study was conducted to explore extreme events (X-event) in the Korean population sector. To this end, in-depth interviews were conducted with experts from the Korea Army Research Center for Future & Innovation and the Army College, and based on this, significant research results were derived that population problems such as population decline and aging can affect various fields such as economy. With this study, we hope that discussions on extreme events (X-event) that can occur in our society will be further activated.


2. A Theoretical Study of X-event
3. X-event Expert Opinion Analysis
4. Conclusion


  • Sang-Keun Cho Research Prof, Future Institute for National Strategic Technology Policy, KAIST, Korea
  • Jun-Woo Kim Instrutor, Dept. of Strategy, Army College, Korea
  • Eui-Chul Shin Instrutor, Dept. of Strategy, Army College, Korea
  • Myung-Sook Hong Reseacher, Korea Army Research Center for Future & Innovation
  • Jun-Chul Song Instrutor, Dept. of Tactics, Army College, Korea
  • Sang-Hyuk Park Associate professor, Dept. of Military, Woosuk Univ, Korea


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