

The development model of PT Visionet Internasional (OVO) in Indonesia



OVO is a digital platform that provides simple payments and smart financial services, as well as one of the largest digital payment platforms in Indonesia. It has wide coverage and security when making payments, and supports multiple settlement currencies. The purpose of this study is to explore the history, business model, and future strategic direction of OVO, an Indonesian e-wallet. To date, OVO has built its own mobile payment ecosystem covering a wide range of consumer scenarios including e-commerce, travel, offline shopping and finance. And it supports mobile banking, online banking, debit cards or selected partner merchants. Its three largest transaction categories are in the transportation, retail and e-commerce sectors. With over 110 million consumers and 1.3 million merchant users, it is one of the dominant e-wallets in Indonesian market and has become the country's e-payment market leader. OVO eWallet's ‘One Card’ model offers convenience and choice for users, thus contributing to the rapid growth of OVO eWallet. And OVO eWallet competes fiercely with other competitors, but OVO eWallet continues to grow in terms of the number of users and market share. Finally, this study analyzes the strategic goals and plans of OVO eWallet, predicts its future direction. OVO eWallet has a huge success, but there are still competition and challenges to face.


2.1 History of the company
2.2 OVO organisational structure
3.1 Market background: Indonesia's digital payments market is growing rapidly
3.2 OVO application scenarios
3.3 Products and Services
3.4 Sources of corporate revenue
3.5 Market share


  • Yuhang Xia Master. student, Department of Business, Gachon University, S.Korea
  • Yuming Liu Lecturer, Department of Information Engineering, Shandong Vocational College of Light Industry, China
  • Myeongcheol Choi Associate Professor, Department of Business, Gachon University, S.Korea
  • Chuijie Meng Ph.D.student, Department of Business, Gachon University, S.Korea
  • Haanearl Kim Associate Professor, Department of Business, Gachon University, S.Korea


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