

The attitudes of students' and teachers' toward a Computerized Oral Test(COT) and a Face-To-Face Interview(FTFI) in a Korean university setting


Mi-jin Joo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to examine students' and teachers' attitudes to a Computerized Oral Test (COT) and a Face-To-Face Interview (FTFI). The results of this study showed that the students had significantly more positive attitudes to the COT in terms of preparation time, nervousness, tiredness, and fairness, but more students tended to prefer the FTFI primarily because it better approximated real-time interaction and conversation. On the other hand, the teachers clearly showed more favorable attitudes to the COT, especially with regard to various question types, fairness, and practicality despite some perceived weaknesses of the COT; it poorly approximated real-life interaction and therefore felt less valid. On the whole, the teachers' attitudes and reactions to the COT were more positive than those of the students.


1. Introduction
 2. Design of the study
  2.1. COT
  2.2. FTFI
  2.3. Questionnaire
  2.4. Semi-structured interview
  2.5. Procedure
 3. Results and discussion
  3.1. Students' attitudes and reactions
  3.2. Teachers' attitudes and reactions
 4. Conclusion


  • Mi-jin Joo Institute of Education, University of London


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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