

‘지다’ 구문의 영어번역문에 대한 기능문법적 분석


A Functional Analysis of the English Translations of Korean 'cita' Constructions.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to provide a functional account of the English translations of Korean ‘cita’ constructions. Previous studies have shown that ‘cita’ constructions have four different functions: passive, inchoative, nonautonomous, and non-volitional. The analysis of our Korean-English parallel corpus shows that ‘cita’ constructions are translated into five different types of English constructions: passives, transitive clauses, intransitive clauses, copular verb construction, and modality verb construction. It is argued that English does not have a grammatical device to systematically encode semantic domains such as non-volitional, empathy defocusing and controllability defocusing in such a way that Korean ‘cita’ construction does, and that the five construction types of English translations are functionally motivated by discourse-pragmatic factors such as topicality of participants and discourse markers as well as by semantic factors such as subtle differences in meaning reflected in the change of state.


1. 서론
 2. '지다' 구문의 기능
 3. 번역구문의 유형 및 기능문법적 설명
  3.1. 타동사
  3.2. 자동사
  3.3. 형용사
 4. 결론
 한영 병렬언어자료


  • 김은일 Eunil Kim. 부경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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