

한국어 조건 명령문 연구


A Study of Korean Conditional Imperatives


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study was to investigate the concept and scope of Korean conditional imperatives and provide a comprehensive examination of the category. In Chapter 2, I argued for the usefulness of explaining conditional imperatives through a prototype theoretical approach. Conditional imperatives were defined as a broad concept of 'Imperatives interpreted in the sense of a condition or assumption.' Chapter 3 delved into a meticulous exploration of the process through which conditional imperatives acquired the meaning of a condition. We have shown that the 'then' implication arises from the relationship between the conditional and the subsequent sentence, and that the high frequency of this construction has led to the conventionality of the implication and the regularization of the interpretation of the condition. Furthermore, it was revealed that conditional sentences represent the "background circumstances that enable the speaker's subsequent actions or judgments contained in the subsequent sentence." By uttering a conditional imperatives, the speaker prompts the hearer to assume the content of the proposition, which has the effect of strongly expressing the speaker's conviction or commitment. This research sheds light on the specific features of Korean conditional imperatives as a linguistic phenomenon wherein the form of a command conveys the meaning of a condition. Although this study focused solely on Korean, further meticulous investigations are warranted to examine the commonalities and divergences between conditional imperatives in other languages, with the goal of uncovering universal principles underlying conditional imperatives worldwide.


1. 서론
2. 조건 명령문의 본질
2.1. 비원형적 명령문으로서의 조건 명령문
2.2. 범주의 특성과 포괄적 개념 정의
3. 조건 명령문의 의미
3.1. 화용적 추론에 기반한 함축 의미의 관습화
3.2. 조건 명령문의 의미·화용적 기능
3.3. 조건 명령문의 하위 유형
4. 결론


  • 이지수 Lee, Jisoo. 육군사관학교 국어철학과 국어 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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