

제주 4·3사건 이후 공동체 안전과 회복력에 관한 연구 - 불신과 갈등에서 상생과 발전으로 -


A study on the Safety and Resilience of Communities after the 4·3 Incident - From Distrust and Conflict to Coexistence and Development -

안봉수, 김철수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The safety of the community was examined mainly by the fear, conflict, mistrust, and frustration that spread in the community after the 4·3 incident. The 4·3 incident that residents remember was the first painful memory of the "Massacre" before the political or social movement character. In particular, the residents who suffered from the 4·3 incident themselves remembered that 100% of it was the "Massacre." As such, even after the end of the 4·3 incident, the memories of 4·3 were filled with "pain" and "fear." Moreover, 80% of the direct victims of the 4·3 incident in particular said "violence and suffering." After the 4·3 incident, complex relationships such as grudges were formed between village community members, and conflicts also emerged between the villagers. After the 4·3 incident, faith in the police, administrative authorities, or public institutions, plummeted, and the distrust of the affected residents who experienced the 4·3 incident was very high. These conditions weakened the sense of community belonging and hindered its development. However, the community had the task of rebuilding and developing again after the collapse after the closure of the incident. Before securing the material resources of the community, the will of the villagers to work together to achieve the development of the village and the belief that such efforts would bring good results. The will and faith of the villages surveyed were high. Regardless of gender, age, or type of damage, the villagers had a strong will to resolve and overcome the inherent conflicts after the 4·3 incident and the will to solve problems. As a result of the joint efforts of the villagers and the bereaved families who experienced the 4·3 incident to achieve the development of the village beyond 4·3, the community has recovered from its wounds and made remarkable progress in the local area more than 20 years later. The 4·3 incident was an unfortunate historical event that had a great impact on the disappearance and disintegration of the community. The peaceful community was reduced to a region of antagonism and conflict for seven years and seven months. The second half of the 20th century, a time of destruction and restoration of village communities, was dominated by the principle of individual and community security. Perhaps the experiences and memories of the 4·3 incident also acted as a fundamental factor in community development, strengthening the cohesion within the community, influencing the prevention of recurrence and the formation of volitional attitudes for village development.


4·3사건은 마을공동체의 소멸, 붕괴에 큰 영향을 미친 불행한 역사적 사건이었다. 조 사연구 결과, 주민들이 기억하는 4·3사건은 정치적 또는 사회운동론적 성격 규정 이전 에 ‘양민학살’이라는 기억이 제일 먼저 떠오르고 있었다. 특히 4·3사건을 직접 겪으면서 피해를 입은 주민들은 100%가 ‘양민학살’이었다고 기억하는 상태였다. 그런 만큼 4·3사 건이 종료된 이후에도 4,3에 대한 기억은 ‘고통’과 ‘공포’로 점철되어 있었다. 4·3사건 이 후 공동체 구성원들간에는 원한관계 등 복잡한 관계들이 형성되면서 주민들간에 갈등 도 나타났다. 경찰과 행정관청 곧 공공기관에 대한 믿음은 추락했고 4·3사건을 직접 겪 은 피해 주민들의 불신은 매우 높았다. 이러한 상태들은 공동체 소속감을 약화시켰고 공동체의 발전을 저해하였다. 그러나 마을공동체는 사건 종결 후 붕괴를 딛고 다시 재 건과 발전을 동시에 이루어야 하는 과제를 안고 있었다. 공동체의 물질적 자원을 확보 하기 전에 주민들이 서로 합심하여 마을 발전을 이루려는 의지와 구성원들간의 믿음이 먼저 요구되었다. 4·3사건 이후 마을사람들 사이에 내재한 갈등을 해결하고 극복하려는 의지와 문제해결 의지가강했고, 20여년 후부터 지역내에서 상처를 회복하고 발전을 이루었다. 4·3 이후 공동체의 안전확보와 회복노력은 4·3사건의 참혹함에 저항하기 위한 공동체적 연대의 결과이며, 4·3사건의 경험과 기억들은 공동체 내부의 응집력을 강화했고, 마을발전의 의지적 태도 형성에 영향을 주면서 공동체 발전의 원천적 요인으로 작용했다.


Ⅰ. 머릿말
Ⅱ. 4·3사건과 공동체 안전 그리고 회복력
Ⅲ. 조사연구
Ⅳ. 요약 및 맺음말


  • 안봉수 An, Bong-Soo. 중원대학교 행정학과 박사과정
  • 김철수 Kim, Chul-Soo. 중원대학교 사회문화대 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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