

Comparison of Changes in Range of Motion of the Trunk and Pressure Pain Threshold When Extracorporeal Shock Wave and Pulsed-ultrasound Are Applied to the Thoracolumbar Fascia


체외충격파와 맥동초음파 적용 시 몸통 가동범위와 압통역치 변화 비교

SangWan Han, JongHoon Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: This study aimed to compare and analyze the changes after applying extracorporeal shock waves (ESWs) and pulsed ultrasound to the thoracolumbar fascia to determine an effective intervention method for increasing the range of motion of the trunk and reducing the pressure threshold. Methods: We selected 22 men and women who voluntarily consented after receiving a detailed explanation of the study. The participants were selected from students attending G University and had back pain or limited trunk mobility. They were randomly selected to receive extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT group; n=11) and pulsed-ultrasound therapy (n=11). The interventions were conducted twice a week for 5 weeks, and trunk-side bending, rotation, and pressure pain thresholds were measured before and after the intervention. Results: When ESWs and pulsed ultrasound were applied to the thoracolumbar fascia, the pressure pain threshold and trunk mobility improved. With respect to changes in trunk mobility, only the range of motion for trunk rotation (P<0.05) increased significantly in the ESWT group; however, both ranges of motion for trunk side bending and rotation (P<0.05) significantly increased in the pulsed-ultrasound group. With respect to pressure pain threshold change, both groups showed a statistically significant increase in pressure pain threshold (P<0.05).Moreover, a statistically greater increase in pressure pain threshold (P<0.000) was observed in the pulsed-ultrasound group than in the ESWT group. Conclusion: Clinically, pulsed ultrasound treatment is more effective for increasing the range of motion and pressure pain threshold during interventions for people with back pain and limited trunk mobility.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
1. 연구 대상자
2. 체외충격파(extracorporeal shock wave therapy) 중재 방법
3. 맥동초음파(pulsed ultrasound) 중재 방법
4. 실험절차
5. 자료분석
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 가동범위의 변화
2. 압통역치 변화
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론
감사의 글


  • SangWan Han 한상완. Department of Physical Therapy, Gwangju Health University, Professor
  • JongHoon Park Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Sahmyook University, Physical therapists


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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