

자연발화로 일반화된 화재 원인 판단에 관한 연구


A Study on Determining the Cause of Fire Generalized by Spontaneous Ignition

장명길, 양정욱, 이원준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, we analyzed whether it is reasonable to classify fried dregs fires as spontaneous combustion. In the fire statistics and experiments, the frying dregs fires occurred in the process of handling the high-temperature carbonized frying dregs generated after frying. Fire didn’t occur in the frying dregs at room temperature, and the process of fire caused by careless handling of the high-temperature carbonized frying dregs was measured using a thermal image camera and a thermometer for frying. In the experiment, the temperature that could not be measured by the frying thermometer was measured by the thermal imaging camera, and the temperature of the carbonized residue was confirmed. The generalization error of spontaneous combustion, which is generally the cause of fire by fire investigators, was found out, and through the experiment, general frying crumbs generated during frying did not reach the flour ignition point and cooled naturally. However, the small grains of frying debris at the bottom of the fryer were carbonized by receiving direct heat from the fryer heat source while in the frying oil for a long time, and it was confirmed that the temperature reached a temperature higher than 300 ℃, which can carbonize flour at a temperature higher than the actual frying oil temperature.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 필요성
1.2 연구목적 및 기대효과
2. 본론
2.1 화재 사례 통계 분석
2.2 튀김찌꺼기 화재 사례 분석
2.3 통계 및 사례를 통한 분석 결과
3. 실험방법 및 결과
3.1 실험개요
3.2 튀김찌꺼기 용기별 온도 변화 비교 실험
3.3 실제 튀김 업소에서 발생하는 튀김찌꺼기 발화 상황 분석
3.5 튀김 찌꺼기와 탄화물 찌꺼기 온도 변화 비교
4. 결론


  • 장명길 Myung-Gil Jang. 부산 강서소방서
  • 양정욱 Jung-Wook Yang. 부산 강서소방서
  • 이원준 Won-Jun Lee. 부산 강서소방서


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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