

한국 경찰공무원의 전통적 경찰정신과 경찰헌장의 경찰상을 통한 새경찰상 정립방안에 관한 연구


A Study on The Established Devices of New Police Image Through Tradional Police Mind And Police Image Of Police Charter In KOREA


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The in the world of the forth industrial revolution, nationally, Korea is in the disjunction of south and north by the geopolitical element, Korean police is changing for the first class police of 21 century. In this point of view, I want to analysis correctly the observance situation of police ethics and police mind and find insufficient baffling factors. Therefore, I want to arrange for the established devices of police mind and police ethics in the future and I will propose to all police officers. Also, It must reinforce police mind and ethics education and training for the law enforcement and democratic activity of police officers. Like this, I will suggest the established devices of police ethics and police mind that police officers must do to try for the equitable law enforcement and the service for the people. The observance of police charter The democracy of police activity. The reasonable human resources management and the adequacy of police treatment. The reinforcement of police education and training. The enhancement of democratic morality and the opening of police administration. The innovative thought and fairminded law enforcement establishment. The exaltation of human rights. The activation of service for citizen. The best protection of people


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
Ⅱ. 전통적 경찰정신과 경찰헌장에 대한 이론적 배경
1. 전통적인 경찰공무원의 경찰정신
2. 경찰헌장의 경찰상
3. 외국의 경찰윤리 실천규범
4. 미래의 치안환경 변화와 한국경찰의 역할
Ⅲ. 국민의 대경찰 인식에 대한 분석 및 문제점
1. 국민의 대경찰 인식에 대한 분석
2. 경찰공무원의 의식구조와 국민의 대경찰 인식에 대한 문제점
Ⅳ. 새 경찰상 정립방안과 국민의 대경찰 인식의 전환
1. 새 경찰상 정립을 위한 변화의 방안
2. 국민의 대경찰 인식의 전환
Ⅴ. 결론(경찰의 호민정신 등 적극적인 국민보호정책 극대화)

『부록 1』 경찰헌장
『부록 2』 경찰서비스헌장
『부록 3』 「경찰대혁신TF」 정책제안


  • 이종복 Lee, Jong-Bock. (전) 극동대 석좌교수, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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