

Original Article

항공보안에서 생체인식정보 수집에 관한 연구 - 독립적인 감독기구 신설에 관하여 -


Research about collecting biometric information on aviation security - in regarding to establishment about independent supervisory body -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper focused on side effect management and supervision according to the use of biometric information. The benefits of using biometric information are endless. It is hard to deny that it can be used for high accuracy, rapid identification, and criminal investigation. However, biometric information has a different specificity from other individual sensitive information. It should be considered that leakage and misuse of biometric information with the specificity of invariance and uniqueness can cause irreparable damage to the data subject. Therefore, management and supervision based on preventive principles for leakage and misuse of biometric information are urgently needed. However, after analyzing the current Personal Information Protection Act and the Personal Information Protection Committee, it was found that they were immersed in post-termination and civil reconciliation. As I continue to emphasize, the side effects of using biometric information bring irreparable damage. Reconciliation termination or monetary compensation and compensation for such irreparable damage are difficult to see as restoration. Therefore, it is judged that preliminary management and supervision of biometric information is very important. Leakage and misuse of biometric information mainly results from manager carelessness or external attacks by hackers. Therefore, the management and supervision of biometric information starts with the stability of the database. The importance of information protection and biometric information management and supervision are in line. Therefore, the main point of this study is that an independent supervisory body for the collection and management of biometric information should be conducted by an institution specialized in information protection or information security.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
1. 항공보안법에서의 생체인식정보 활용
2. 생체인식정보보호의 원칙
3. 현행 생체인식정보 수집 및 관리의 문제점
4. 독립적인 감독기구 신설 제안
Ⅲ. 결론


  • 윤영훈 Yeong-Hun Yun. 한국항공대학교 항공우주법전공, 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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