

Examining the Effectiveness and Challenges of an EMI Global Program in South Korea : A Case Study


Kim, Kitai

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines the effectiveness and challenges of an English-medium instruction (EMI) global program at a private regional college in Korea. The data for this study was primarily collected from semi-structured interviews of graduate and undergraduate students at the Linton Global School (LGS) at Hannam University. The interviews revealed overall student satisfaction with the effectiveness of the global program in improving student fluency in English. However, student interviews also revealed challenges to the LGS global program related to four major themes including: one, students admitted into the global program with low English proficiency; two, professors using Korean in class; three, student dissatisfaction with general education elective courses; and four, student noncompliance with the English Only Policy (EOP). The study recommends providing additional academic support and resources for students with low English proficiency, professors abiding by the EOP policy, the assignment of qualified faculty for general education courses, and the hiring of a bilingual dormitory manager. The study also advocates the creation of a new “culture” that encourages and promotes the EOP policy. Additional suggestions for further research on the EMI global program at LGS are included.


I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
III. Method
1. Participants
2. Data Collection and Analysis
IV. Findings and Discussion
V. Conclusion and Recommendations
Works Cited


  • Kim, Kitai Hannam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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