A Study on Features and Urban Characteristics of Small and Medium- sized Cities in Yongdong Area of Kangwon Province - Focusing on Sokcho-si, Gangreung-si and Samcheok-si -
The purpose of this study is to handle the urban characteristics with its focus on Sokcho-si, Gangreung-si and Samcheok-si, the central cities in the Yongdong area of Kangwon Province. At a time when the crisis of the local small and medium-sized cities has become a reality, proposing a perspective issues by analyzing the characteristics of urban development involving old downtown and central part of city as well as the urban outskirts through the analysis of characteristics on the local environment would present significant implications. In particular, through the analysis of characteristics related to the urban characteristics that is provided with theoretical contents under this study, the sustainability in the future for each case city has been contemplated. For the case of Sokcho-si the concentration of downtown is shown to be highest with respect to the overall administrative unit, and this is shown in differentiated terms in the urban characteristics of central street and central downtown. In case of Gangreung-si, there is an increased deterioration in the original downtown, and it depicts the characteristics of enhanced urban vitality with the housing site development in the outskirt areas together with the active movements Sokcho-si the urban rehabilitation. With the differentiated approach in downtown and outskirt of city, the city management is displayed with its effectiveness. In the meantime, for the case of Samcheok-si, located on the most southern part, the deterioration of the original downtown has been continued, and the complexes formed through the housing development on the outskirt also has shown to be relatively higher deterioration. The urban rehabilitation project around the original downtown has continued around the old downtown, but the urban characteristics is analyzed as not so high together with the continuous population decline issue. Through this study, the implication of this study is to analyze the analysis of urban characteristics of small and medium-sized cities and theoretical proposal on urban characteristics as well as forecasting the future thereto.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
1.3 강원지역 관련 선행연구 고찰과 시사점
2. 이론고찰 및 문제제기
2.1 우리사회에서 중·소도시의 역할과 현실
2.2 중·소도시를 대상으로 하는 도시성 분석과 의의
2.3 도시분석의 종합체계와 분석의 틀 제시
3. 강원도 영동지역 주요도시의 물리적 환경을 중심으로 하는 특성 분석
3.1 연구의 구체적 대상지
3.2 각 주요 도시의 공간적 특성
4. 종합 분석
4.1 위계에 따른 주요 공간 특성
4.2 스케일에 따른 상호 관계성 분석
4.3 소결
5. 결론