

한옥건축자산의 보존과 활용방안에 관한 연구 - 전라북도 전주 주거생활 한옥건축자산을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Conservation and Utilization Plan of Hanok Architectural Assets - Focused on the Residential life Hanok Architectural Assets in Jeonbuk Province Jeonju -

김소현, 최진용, 신병욱

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Hanok architectural assets have the main function of living, which are destroyed or disappeared due to time, urbanization, and development. Jeollabuk-do is no exception, so there are many hanok architectural assets with local identity, period, and historical characteristics, but they are not properly used for a long time. In particular, Jeollabuk-do is known to have more hanok architectural assets than other regions, and policies are needed to preserve and utilize them. So, this study aims to investigate the hanok architectural assets which are located in Jeollabuk-do, analyze, synthesize and try to re-use them. This study first identified the location and content of hanok architectural assets located in Jeollabuk-do by field survey. In addition, the history and contents of hanok architectural assets were studied by theoretical materials such as books and etc. In addition, policies, systems, laws, and cases related to hanok architectural assets carried out implemented by the central government and local governments in Korea were investigated, focusing on Jeollabuk-do. Then, these contents were analyzed and synthesized to derive contents on the preservation and utilization of hanok architectural assets. By synthesizing the above contents, it is concluded as followings: First, hanok architectural assets have potential values, so it is necessary to establish an institutional system to recognize and manage and protect the value of cultural assets in the future, and to preserve them by database of them. Second, it was necessary to actively review the preservation and utilization measures in the concept of sharing with local residents according to the nature of modern society, architectural assets, and the surrounding environment. Third, the utilization plan should be subdivided while maintaining the characteristics and identity of hanok architectural assets. Fourth, although the Hanok Architecture Cultural Asset is a building with a residential function, it is necessary to maintain its original form as much as possible in preservation and utilization.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구방법 및 범위
2. 한옥건축자산
2.1 한옥건축자산 정의
2.2 한옥건축자산 정책
3. 전라북도 한옥건축자산 조사
3.1 조사 목적 및 내용
3.2 점감식 도출
3.3 전라북도 한옥건축자산 현황
4.한옥건축자산의 보존과 활용방안
4.1 한옥건축자산의 보존과 활용 전제
4.2 전주시 한옥건축자산 현황
4.3 국내외 보존과 활용사례
4.4 한옥건축자산의 보존과 활용 적용
5. 결론


  • 김소현 Kim, So Hyeon. 전북대학교 환경대학원 한옥학과, 공학석사
  • 최진용 Choi, Jin yong. 전북대학교 일반대학원 디자인제조공학과, 박사수료
  • 신병욱 Shin, Byeong Uk. 전북대학교 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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