



Conditions and characteristics of the use of ‘ndesu’- Focusing on conversations between Japanese native and Korean Japanese learners -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, analyzed the tendency and characteristics of the use of ‘ndesu’ for the first face-to-face conversation between Japanese native speakers and Korean Japanese learners. The results of the analysis of the utterance of “ndesu” were divided into KF and JF, and the analysis of KM and JM was divided into male and female. The characteristics of the actual conversation were also described. The main results are summarized as follows. First, looking at the tendency of native Japanese speakers, both female native Japanese speakers and male native Japanese speakers showed a tendency to use “description”, “true questionnaire”, and “questionnaire”. Next, women and men, who were Korean learners of Japanese, used the most frequently after “explanation,” “true questioning,” followed by “conviction” and “teaching.” Both native Japanese speakers and Korean learners of Japanese had something in common with each other in terms of “explanation” and “truth and authenticity questions.” However, most Korean learners of Japanese were followed by “pushing” and “teaching” followed by “surprise” and “confirmation” among native speakers of Japanese. Next, looking at the difference between men and women, it was found that both native Japanese speakers and Korean learners had similar usage trends, but women used them more frequently. Finally, describe the characteristics that are not found in previous studies from actual conversation examples.As a characteristic of this, there were several expressions that strongly expressed disapproval in the “noda” of “pressing carefully.” If you continue to use the word “ndesu” in “ndesu” when you disagree with the other person, you may make an unpleasant impression on the other person may have an unpleasant impression. In addition, “teaching,” which was often used by Korean learners of Japanese and native speakers of Japanese, seemed to teach the other person's questions in detail. In particular, the words of “teaching” seemed to teach each other about each other's culture and things they didn't know.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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