

한일 온천이용과 웰니스 설문지 연구방법 비교


A Comparison of the Study Method of the Wellness Questionnaire on the Use of Hot Springs in Korea and Japan

조수연, 김경철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Tangchi, which has been used in both Korea and Japan since ancient times, can be said to be a modern version of wellness using hot spring water. It cannot be denied that the difference between active use and passive use has deepened in modern times. However, the current status and purpose of use of hot spring users, and the analysis and research of users accordingly must be a task to continue. The purpose of this study is to identify the difference between Korea and Japan, where hot spring therapy has become 'bath centered', and to settle it as a type of preventive medical wellness. Considering the changing concept and application of wellness, our wellness research should also evolve over and over. In the case of Japan and Germany, there is a very active movement in the application of hot spring therapy and wellness using hot spring water, which is a natural resource. In the case of Japan, which is the subject of this paper, the current status, purpose, and effect of hot spring resort use across Japan are analyzed and studied through a survey of hot spring users. If the wellness effect of health promotion using hot spring therapy is important, I think Japan's survey method is appropriate. However, Korea, which lacks the medical and scientific system and management system of hot spring facilities, is bound to show differences from Japan. The application of hot spring therapy and wellness requires the government's revision of the hot spring law and facility management, and academic circles should continue to analyze hot spring water and research on medical approaches. In addition, it is necessary to attempt a survey method on whether the purpose of using hot springs is related to physical wellness, such as changes in health conditions after using hot spring facilities.


  • 조수연
  • 김경철


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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