

상호문화적 관점에서 본 중국 현지 중급 한국어 정독(精讀) 교재 분석


Analysis of Intermediate-level Korean Language Textbook “Jeongdok (精讀)” Used in China from an Intercultural Education Perspective


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined how well the textbook used at Chinese universities, “Jeongdok (精讀)” (“Intensive Reading” in English), reflects the five requirements of intercultural education, such as personal focus, recognition of cultural diversity, interaction, reflection of culture, and cooperation and negotiation. The analysis results showed that, as with previous studies, textbooks developed in China reflected individual focus and mutual comparative activities, but they were only simple comparison activities that did not lead to a full understanding of recognition and acceptance of cultural diversity. Recently published textbooks, however, reflect the characteristics of interculture and use a variety of materials to guide students in conducing more specific comparative activities. Moreover, even though they originate in China, they strive to consider other perspectives as well, such as those of Asia, East, and West, which deserves positive evaluations. The significance of this study lies in the fact that it confirms how Jeongdok's content composition, questions or speaking related to the main text, writing task activities, and cultural texts and questions for thinking about cultural texts can sufficiently reflect intercultural perspectives. Jeongdok is not a culture-related course, but it contains a variety of cultural elements and is the subject learners spend the most time studying. Specifically, cross-cultural competence cannot be acquired easily, but rather internalized through various stages, which is why Jeongdok textbooks can contribute to acquiring cross-cultural competence if they are approached, developed, and utilized from an intercultural perspective. This study has limitations in that the criteria for textbook analysis and the extraction of cultural items from textbooks were based on the researcher's subjective judgment. It was also unable to present specific teaching and learning measures to enhance each cross-cultural competence. Nevertheless, this study is significant in that it was the first study to review Chinese textbooks from an intercultural perspective, and to suggest ways to improve textbooks and use textbooks from an intercultural perspective.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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