

Research on Cross-Regional Environmental Governance Cooperation between China and Korea


Jing, Qiwei, Lyu, Lin, Chen, Yuting

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The current environmental issues have attracted worldwide attention due to their cross-border, public, global, and long-term nature, making it difficult for any one country to address them independently. The shared environmental challenges faced by human society and the common need for international environmental governance compel countries to break down the barriers of national borders, social systems, policies, culture, and religious beliefs. Sovereign governments and non-governmental organizations must actively coordinate and participate in joint governance, and cross-regional environmental governance cooperation has become an important form of international environmental governance. Based on a systematic description of the severe challenges of cross-regional environmental pollution faced by the Republic of Korea and China, this study explores and summarizes the international experience of cross-regional environmental governance cooperation in regions such as Europe, North America, and ASEAN in recent years. Additionally, this study analyzes the necessity of cross-regional environmental governance cooperation between China and the Republic of Korea from the perspective of game theory and economics. Building upon previous research, this study explores the framework and system for cross-regional environmental governance cooperation between China and the Republic of Korea. It designs the direction of regional environmental governance mechanisms and examines the implementation of specific measures in areas such as interest linkage, institutional guarantees, cooperation institutions, public participation, funding sources, and talent teams. The goal of this study is to provide strategic suggestions for promoting global cross-regional environmental governance cooperation.


I. Introduction
II. The Severe Challenge of Cross-regional Environmental Pollution is Faced Jointly by China and Republic of Korea
1. Nuclear and Radioactive Pollution
2. Atmospheric Environmental Pollution
3. Water Environment Pollution
4. Solid Waste Pollution
5. Dust Pollution
III. International Experience in Cross-regional Environmental Governance Cooperation
1. Experience of Cross-regional Environmental Governance Cooperation in Europe
2. Experience of Cross-regional Environmental Governance Cooperation in North America
3. Experience of Cross-regional Environmental Governance Cooperation in ASEAN
IV. Game Analysis of Cross-regional Environmental Governance Cooperation between China and Republic of Korea
V. Paths and Measures for Cross-regional Environmental Governance Cooperation between China and Republic of Korea
1. Constructing a Mechanism of Interest Correlation  for Cross-regional Pollution Control Cooperation
2. Establishing a System of Institutional Safeguards for Cross-regional Pollution Control Cooperation
3. Co-building Cross-regional Pollution Control Cooperation Institutions
4. Promoting Public Participation in Environmental Protection
5. Establishing Diversified Funding Sources for Environmental Governance Cooperation
6. Cultivating Environmental Protection Professionals
VI. Conclusion


  • Jing, Qiwei Lecturer, School of Management, Anshan Normal University / Ph. D. Student, Department of Global Business, Kyonggi University
  • Lyu, Lin Ph. D. Student, Department of Global Business, Kyonggi University
  • Chen, Yuting Ph. D. Student, Department of Global Business, Kyonggi University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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