

초등학교 3, 4학년 재량활동에 활용할 수 있는 실과 모듈 개발


The Development of Modular instructional materials for Practical Arts Education Applied to 'Optional Activities' for 3rd and 4th Graders

정성봉, 최지연

피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to develop modular instructional materials for Practical Arts education applied to 'optional activity' class for 3rd and 4th graders. The learner's needs were analyzed to improve students' performance in Practical Arts education in the study. And then the modular materials for the units "fruits" and "natural dyeing" were developed according to students' preference. The learning content used sub-themes as a basic frame to search for the themes; the sub-themes were selected from the first idea list of making fruits and natural dyeing and used webs as graphic organizers. The webs were useful of developing modules because they show an accurate relationship between the selected content and themes. The results of this study are follows: First, the module with themes of 'fruits' and 'natural dyeing' could be reconstructed and applied flexibly though it was a thirty-hour-module for third and fourth graders. Second, the module with the theme of 'fruits' was constructed to teach the process of understanding production and distribution of fruits, selecting fruits, dealing with fruits, making honeyed juice with fruits as s punch, and setting a table with fruits; that with the theme of 'natural dyeing' had the content constructed by stages to teach searching dye plants, understanding necessary materials, dyeing T-shirts or handkerchiefs.


  • 정성봉
  • 최지연


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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