

IT Marketing and Policy

Impact Analysis of Internet Addiction on Students' Academic Performance



Nowadays, with the spread of the Internet and the emergence of high-performance computers and various peripheral devices, our society is undergoing great changes. In the field of education, various types of education using smart education infrastructure are being conducted. The spread of the Internet and the development of various devices have problems that can lead to addiction due to excessive Internet use. Most of the problems that appear in adolescence are immersed in games, which can affect academic achievement. Therefore, in this study, the effect of excessive Internet use on students' academic achievement was studied. The survey for the study was conducted through a questionnaire survey, and the subjects of the survey were high school students majoring in humanities. As a result, the relationship between academic achievement and Internet addiction was low in the middle, upper, and lower groups in the general user group. Also, in the highrisk user group, it appeared high in the order of middle, low, and high.


1. Introduction
2. Study subjects and procedures
3. Investigation result analysis
4. Conclusions


  • Seong-Hoon Lee Professor, Division of Computer Engineering, Baekseok University, Korea
  • Dong-Woo Lee Professor, Department of Computer Information, Woosong University, Korea


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