

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

EV Spreads and Semiconductor Convergence Study according to Price Inflection Points



This study aims to analyze the correlation between semiconductor innovation and market dominance in the mobility electric vehicle industry. To this end, the study presents strategies that provide low-price competitiveness along with high-value creation in the electric vehicle and semiconductor markets. The first change in the era of high interest rates is to overcome the crisis of survival for value. Furthermore, the study acknowledges the ongoing second wave of change as the digital technology's value continues to rise, and companies experience decreased productivity due to rising ESG labor costs. The study analyzed price competitiveness in the context of the increased adoption of electric vehicles and the integration of semiconductor prices, proving that Tesla and Samsung Semiconductor have developed technology to dominate the market, with appropriate low-cost strategies applied as the value of innovation declines.


1. Introduction
2. Prior research
2.1 EV expansion
2.2 Study on the Persistence of Semiconductors
3. Study on the Age of Mobility
3.1 Innovation in Electric Vehicle Chips
3.2 Semiconductor case and inflection point
4. Semiconductor Analysis of Mobility
4.1 Correlation between EV demand and semiconductor prices
4.2 Results and Implication Analysis
5. Conclusions


  • Dae Sung Seo Professor, Paideia Department, Sungkyul University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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