

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

Achieving the Naked-eye 3D Effect for Right-angled LED Screen by Off-line Rendering Production Method



As a new trend in the development of urban public spaces, the use of right-angle LED screens perfectly combines building facades with naked-eye 3D visual effects, providing designers with a brand-new creative platform. How to create a realistic naked-eye 3D effect on a right-angle LED screen and bring an immersive visual experience to the audience has become a question worth exploring. So far, production companies have yet to announce the relevant design ideas and complete production methods. In order to explore the production principle and production process of the naked-eye 3D effect of the right-angle LED screen, we summarize the basic production principle of the naked-eye 3D impact of the right-angle LED screen through case analysis. Based on understanding the production principle, the actual case production test was carried out, and a complete production process of the naked eye 3D visual effect of the right-angle led screen was tried to be provided by off-line rendering. For the problem of how to deal with image deformation, we provide two production methods: post-production software correction and UV mapping. Among them, the UV mapping method is more efficient and convenient. Referring to this paper can help designers quickly understand the production principle of the naked eye 3D effect of right-angle LED screens. The production process proposed in this paper can provide a reference for production method for related project producers.


1. Introduction
2. Related Research
2.1 Case study of naked eye 3D on right-angle LED screen
2.2 Production principle of naked eye 3D effect of right-angle LED screen
3. Off-line rendering method of right-angle LED screen naked eye 3D effect production method
3.1 Off-line rendering method production process
3.2 Practical case test
3.3 Make picture distortion by UV mapping
3.4 Analysis and future research
4. Conclusion


  • Fu Linwei Ph. D student, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, Korea
  • Zhou Jiani Assistant professor, Department of Film&VFX Internatinal College, Dongseo University, Korea
  • Tae Soo Yun Professor, Department of Digital Contents, Dongseo University, Korea


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