

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

Making Thoughts Real – a Machine Learning Approach for Brain-Computer Interface Systems



In this paper, we present a simple classification model based on statistical features and demonstrate the successful implementation of a brain-computer interface (BCI) based light on/off control system. This research shows study and development of light on/off control system based on BCI technology, which allows the users to control switching a lamp using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The logistic regression algorithm is used for classification of the EEG signal to convert it into light on, light off control commands. Training data were collected using 14-channel BCI system which records the brain signals of participants watching a screen with flickering lights and saves the data into .csv file for future analysis. After extracting a number of features from the data and performing classification using logistic regression, we created commands to switch on a physical lamp and tested it in a real environment. Logistic regression allowed us to quite accurately classify the EEG signals based on the user's mental state and we were able to classify the EEG signals with 82.5% accuracy, producing reliable commands for turning on and off the light.


1. Introduction
2. Methods for Collecting Training Data
3. Signal processing and feature extraction
4. Classification algorithms
5. Conclusion


  • Tengis Tserendondog Associate professor, Dept. of Electronics, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia
  • Uurstaikh Luvsansambuu Associate professor, Dept. of Electronics, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia
  • Munkhbayar Bat-Erdende Associate professor, Dept. of Electronics, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia
  • Batmunkh Amar Associate professor, Dept. of Electronics, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia


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