


Paradigms of Information Innovation 3.0 for Hyper-connective Internet of Things Technology with Extended Technological Organization Environment Framework



Recent information and communication technologies have already opened up new prospects for technology groups, especially in a knowledge-based society. A contemporary technological era, which can be stated as the hyper-connective Internet of Things surpassed the traditional service pattern and innovation pattern by conveying personalized, localized, and con-text-aware services close to different actors and users. The conventional boundary of the organization is disbanding as well as traditional innovation and research & development limits. This research article conducts a preliminary study about the hyper-connective Internet of Things technology portent with innovation 3.0 version based on an extended technological organization environment framework (E-TOEF). This article discusses the emergence of innovation 3.0 as a paradigm shift from a manufacturing paradigm to an actor-oriented paradigm. There is a need to shift from a manufacturing mindset to more user ergonomics and be aware of the potential of hyper-connective IoT on the revolution of innovation patterns to be more cooperative, open, and user-centered. Besides, this article would strain some conceptual approaches for the next-generation innovation paradigm known as “hyper-connective IoT” entitled innovation 3.0. This new innovation version goes beyond open innovation and undeniably clearly beyond closed innovation which was an earlier version.


1. Introduction
2. Hyper-connectivity of IoT over Innovation 3.0
3. Social Choreography Shift for Innovation
4. Extended Technological Organization Environment Framework (E-TOEF)
5. Discussion on Innovation 3.0 as Novel Homogeny
6. Conclusion


  • Murtaza Hussain Shaikh Assistant Professor, School of Global Studies, Kyungsung University, Busan, Republic of Korea
  • Armigon Ravshanovich Akhmedov Visiting Professor, School of Global Studies, Kyungsung University, Busan, Republic of Korea
  • Muzaffar Makhmudov Professor, Department of Industrial Management, New Uzbekistan University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


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