

Open Government and Open Governance: Exploring Strategies for Open Data, Service, and Process in the Public Sector




This study examines how the Korean government should prepare for changes in the ICT and data markets. The government is emphasizing openness and innovation as well as improving efficiency and effectiveness. It insists that the public sector, public policy, and public service need more open and innovative. An open government is an open governance system that observes and considers how the roles and behaviors of other actors in the state and society are changing, not just the situations that occur within the public sector. Because it is difficult to accurately define the social problems facing the government alone, it is necessary to cooperate with other entities outside the government by enhancing openness, transparency, and participation based on ICT. Standards are required to strengthen universality in technical aspects such as interoperability, and supporting standard service quality. These can be used in other countries for processes such as procurement, planning, and decision- making. By examining the historical evolution and preparation process of open government from e-government, this study tries to derive the essential elements for building a successful platform government in the future.


New Open Governance Framework
Open Data
Open Service
Open Process
Platform Government Framework
Government as Facilitator and Orchestrator
Government as Provider of Tools, Guidance and Incentives for Co-creation
Government as Guarantor of Public Value over the Longer Term
Citizen Participation Framework
Citizen Science
Citizen Engagement
Conclusion: Government Strategies


  • Chang Won Ahn Megazone Cloud Corp., 46, Nonhyeon-ro 85-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06235 Republic of Korea
  • Eun Mi Lee College of General Education, Kookmin University, 77 Jeongneung-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02707, Korea


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