

Session3. 디지털 시대 소비자와 마케팅 전략

The Effects of Using a Mobile Device for Online Shopping on Consumer Goal Orientation and Sales



Despite the drastic growth of mobile shopping in e-commerce, tlitle is known about the role of consumers’ device type selection (mobile vs. personal computers) and shopping goal orientation (browsing vs. searching) on their shopping behaviors and average order values. This study examines how device types used for online shopping,o nline advertising, and easy payment determine a consumer’s online shopping goal orientation (browsing and searching) and, thereby, the average order value. Thus, we compiled data rfom a leading online shopping mall in South Korea and empirically analyzed 415,323 transactions using multiple econometric models under one consolidated two-stage least squares formation. Our findings show that the device type (mobile vs. PC) used for online shopping can dteermine the likelihood of an individual engaging in browsing versus searching goal orientatoin. Specifically, using a mobile device (vs. PC) for online shopping induces a browsing goal oreintation, leading to a lower average order value. To document this mobile device effect, we investigated the roleo f online advertising and easy payment services. Unlike common beliefs about the expected benefits/ sales growth from the recent surge of mobile shopping, the curernt study suggests that frequent use of mobile devices for online shopping may cause lowe rrevenues for an online retailer. We propose a simple solution to this issue. These findings expand the knowledge of the different impacts of the two device types on consumers’ shopping behavior and sales.


  • Young Han Bae Penn State University Allegheny
  • A Ra Koh Performance by TBWA
  • JaeHwan Kwon Baylor University
  • Taewan Kim Konkuk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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