

Session3. 디지털 시대 소비자와 마케팅 전략

A Study of the Psychological Mechanism in the Sustainable Product Purchase : Focusing on the Trade-Offs with Sustainability



As the world continues to grapple with pandemics like COVID-19, consumers are increasingly displaying a proactive attitude towards sustainability, thereby escalating the market demand for companies to adopt sustainable practices. Furthermore, since the environmental, social, and governance( ESG) frameworks are regarded as a yardstick to evaluate companies nowadays, keeping sustainability via CSR no longer exerts as a competitive advantage for the firms. Instead, by adapting the sustainability as a product attribute which directly able to convince consume rfor ESG execution, companies can explicitly demonstrate their commitment to sustainabiilty. Despite consumers’ increasing willpower for the sustainabiliyt, the attitude does not directly links to the actual purchase of sustainable products.S ustainability in fact construed as part of a moral concept that pursuing the common good whichin fact incur trade-off between individual benefits to universal well-being. Therefore, Although consumers generally hold a positive view of sustainability, this sentiment may notn ecessarily be reflected in their purchasing behavior, thus creating a “sustainability attitude-behavior gap” phenomenon in the market. Our research suggest that one of the reason for the sustainbaility attitude-behavior gap is due to the amount of the consumer’s willingness to trade-off the sustainability to other product attribute, which can vary based on the context and type osf ustainability. Additionally, we examine how the level of sustainability incorporation affects purchase intention in different product categories. In our research, we define ‘sustainability trade-off’ as ap sychological behavior in which consumers decide on the weight ratio between the sustainability attribute and other product attributes, when total weight of all product attributes is equal. We then investigated on ‘which sustainability type and attribute to trade off’ and ‘how much’c onsumers would trade-off the sustainability within the product by examining sustainability trade off with 1) types of sustainability( environmental/social) 2) types of product attribute (utilitarain/hedonic). We would also posit the psychological mechanism underneath the usstainability tradeoff process will be the moral-regulation of the consumer. Prio rstudies have argued on the antecedents of sustainable decision mostly on individual’s morality , however, we suggest the moral regulation which consumer’s moral consistency and compensation differ individually. Therefore, consumers’ decisions to purchase sustainable products are influenced by the degree to which their previous actions align with their moral standards, rather than an absolute ethical standard. This study contributes to narrowing the sustainability attuitde-behavior gap by refining and segmenting consumers’ attitude on sustainability especially focusing on how consumers ‘trade-off’ the sustainability with other benefits they get from the products. By doing so, firms can better address the issue of the sustainability attitude-behavior gap by setting up an intuitive and precise marketing strategy with sustainable product


  • Yoo, Je Eun Lecturer, Pusan National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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