


액체수소탱크용 STS316L 소재 FCAW 용접 실험적 연구 (PART I : 용접 조건 연구)


Experimental Study of FCAW Process with STS316L Material for Liquefied Hydrogen Tank (PART I : Research on Welding Conditions)

김재웅, 김유진 , 조주연, 여태곤, 김영현, 하을용 , 조광희 , 박창열 , 표창민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Demand for research on the use of hydrogen, an eco-friendly fuel, is rapidly increasing in accordance with global environmental problems and IMO environmental regulations in the shipbuilding and marine industry. In the case of hydrogen, similar to liquefied natural gas, it has a characteristic that its volume decreases hundreds of times during phase transformation from gas to liquid, so it must be stored in a tank in the form of liquefied hydrogen for transport efficiency. The material of the liquid hydrogen tank is selected in consideration of mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement at cryogenic temperatures. In this study, welding research was conducted on STS316L material, which was most commonly used in the space industry. In this study, flux cored arc welding was performed under 4 welding conditions to derive the optimal welding conditions for STS316L material, and then mechanical properties of the welded part were compared and analyzed.


1. 서론
2. STS316L 소재 용접 실험
3. 용접 실험 결과 분석
4. 결론
5. 사사


  • 김재웅 Jae-Woong Kim . Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 김유진 Yu-Jin Kim. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 조주연 Ju-Yeon Jo. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 여태곤 Tae-Gon Yeo . Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 김영현 Young-Hyun Kim. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 하을용 Eul-Yong Ha. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 조광희 Kwang-Hee Cho. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 박창열 Chang-Youl Park. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 표창민 Chang-Min Pyo . Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Researcher


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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