


다공성 물질에서 인체 시료 채취를 위한 접착제의 적용


Application of Adhesive for Collection of the Body Fluids Sample from Porous Materials

정종근, 박현주, 박재형, 이민호, 김경숙, 신상철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many of the crime scene evidences are collected by transferring body fluids that are attached to the surface using a tool such as a sterile cotton swab or tape. The amount of body fluids transferred to the collection tool directly affects the possibility of DNA profiling. In this study, the recovery rate of body fluids and the detection rate of DNA profile were examined using sterile cotton swabs, rubber coating agents and urethane-based adhesives from porous materials. We prepared porous samples by spraying 100㎕ of diluted blood on their surface, each sample was collected using a sterile cotton swab, rubber coating agent, and urethane-based adhesive, and DNA recovery rates were compared. In the result, urethane-based adhesives showed the highest recovery rate of DNA with 68.6%. Rubber coating agent and sterile cotton swab showed 47.2% and 2.9% of recovery rate, respectively. Furthermore, we measured the FT-IR spectra of the rubber coating agent and the urethane-based adhesive and found that the peak of C=O group was larger in urethane-based adhesive. This result indicates that the polarity of urethane-based adhesive is greater than that of rubber coating agent and it has excellent blood wettability. As a collection tool, urethane-based adhesive had the disadvantage of taking a long drying time in the sampling process, however, it showed a high recovery rate when collecting body fluids from porous samples, and possibility for use in actual incident cases was confirmed.


Ⅰ. 서론
II. 재료 및 방법
1. 다공성 시료의 준비
2. 인체 시료 제조 및 분주
3. 채취 도구
4. 채취 방법
5. 디엔에이 정제, 정량 및 분석
6. 채취 후 인체 시료 확인
7. FT-IR spectrum 분석
Ⅲ. 결과
1. 채취 도구별 디엔에이 정량, 회수율
2. 채취 도구별 디엔에이 분해 지수
3. 채취 도구별 디엔에이형 검출 좌위수
4. 채취 후 잔여 인체 시료 확인
5. FT-IR 스펙트럼 측정
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론
Ⅵ. 사사
Ⅶ. 참고문헌


  • 정종근 Jong Keun Jung. 부산과학수사연구소 유전자분석과 감정관
  • 박현주 Hyun-Ju Park. 한국신발피혁연구원 융합소재연구단 연구원
  • 박재형 Jae-Hyung Park. 한국신발피혁연구원 융합소재연구단 연구원
  • 이민호 Min Ho Lee. 국립과학수사연구원 유전자과 감정관
  • 김경숙 Kyoung Sook Kim. 부산과학수사연구소 유전자분석과 감정관
  • 신상철 Sang Cheul Shin. 서울과학수사연구소 유전자분석과 감정관


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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