


저체온사 진단을 위한 사후 진단마커 연구


A Study of Specific Biochemical Markers for Diagnosis of Hypothermia

정지은, 김유나, 김지혁, 허상철, 장선정, 심윤택, 남금문

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the diagnosis of death due to hypothermia is pathologically non-specific and the macroscopic findings are sometimes uncertain, a biochemical diagnostic analysis method for the precision of the diagnosis of hypothermia is required. Although general hypothermic death was diagnosed as an increase in ketone body concentration, as a result of statistical analysis of the correlation between hypothermic death and ketone body concentration assessed by the National Forensic Service in recent years, the ketone body concentration of hypothermic death in the case of not drinking or drinking a little is higher than the general death rate, in the case of death due to hypothermia after drinking a large amount of alcohol, the ketone body concentration showed a tendency to be inversely proportional to the blood alcohol concentration. Therefore, there is a need for a new biochemical diagnostic marker that can replace the ketone body concentration analysis in the diagnosis of death due to hypothermia. In this study, about 30 cases of hypothermic death and 76 cases of general death control were selected. Concentration changes of biochemical diagnostic indicators such as glucose, acetone, β-hydroxybutyrate, free fatty acids, and electrolyte ions were analyzed using ion chromatography (IC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). As a result, it showed the specificity of increasing or decreasing the concentration of electrolytes ion and free fatty acids as biochemical diagnostic markers according to changes in the body at the time of death due to hypothermia.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법
1. 부검시료 및 전처리
2. 혈중알코올 및 베타-하이드록시부티레이트 농도 분석
3. 유리지방산 농도 분석
4. 글루코스 농도 분석
5. 전해질 농도 분석
6. 통계적 비교분석
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
1. 혈중알코올 농도와 베타-하이드록시부티레이트 비교분석
2. 유리지방산 농도 비교 분석
3. 글루코스 농도 비교 분석
4. 전해질 농도 비교 분석
5. 저체온사 분석 사례
Ⅳ. 결론
Ⅴ. 사사
Ⅵ. 참고문헌


  • 정지은 Ji Eun Jung. 서울과학수사연구소 독성화학과 감정관
  • 김유나 Yuna Kim. 국립과학수사연구원 화학과 감정관
  • 김지혁 Jihyuk Kim. 광주과학수사연구소 독성화학과 감정관
  • 허상철 Sang Cheol Heo. 광주과학수사연구소 독성화학과 감정관
  • 장선정 Seon Jung Jang. 부산과학수사연구소 법의학과 법의관
  • 심윤택 Yun Taek Shim. 서울과학수사연구소 법의학과 감정관
  • 남금문 Geum Mun Nam. 광주과학수사연구소 독성화학과 감정관


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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