

A Study on the Boycott Intention of Japanese Products according to Korean Consumers' Hostility to Japan


한국소비자의 일본 적개심에 따른 일본제품 불매의도에 관한 연구

J. Hong, Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose : In order to analyze the adverse effects on Korea, such as Japan's historical atrocities, the Dokdo issue, the issue of compensation for forced labor, the comfort women issue, history textbooks, and the issue of the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, lead to the hostility of the Korean people and eventually to the intention to boycott Japanese products. do. As for the hostility factors for this analysis, the effects of 'historical hostility', 'national hostility', 'political hostility', and 'consumer hostility' on boycott intention are analyzed. The analysis method uses factor analysis, frequency analysis, and multiple regression analysis to derive results on hostility and boycott intentions of Japanese products, and studies how the conflict between countries, which is the current factor, affects consumer purchases. Research design, data, methodology : This study conducted an empirical analysis of the effect of hostility toward Japan on the boycott intention of Japanese consumers in terms of boycott intentions for Korean consumers. The object of analysis was to experience the current behavior of Japan and to study the seriousness of Japan's hostility through Koreans' consciousness of the past invasion of Korea. As a study on the boycott intention of Japanese products, the effect of Japanese hostility on boycott intention was analyzed by identifying factors such as historical hostility, national hostility, political hostility, and consumer hostility. Results : The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the hypothesis that Korean consumers' historical hostility will have a positive (+) effect on their intention to boycott Japanese products was adopted as a result of the hypothesis test, indicating that Korean consumers extremely avoid Japan and Japanese products and tend to boycott Japanese products. can glimpse. Second, as a result of testing the hypothesis that the national hostility of Korean consumers will have a positive (+) effect on the intention to boycott Japanese products, the hypothesis was adopted. In other words, Korea's intention to boycott Japanese products will be strengthened due to various issues such as the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, requests for imports of sea squirts, and GSOMIA, which are currently occurring in relations with Japan. Third, as a result of testing the hypothesis that the political hostility of Korean consumers will have a positive (+) effect on the intention to boycott Japanese products, the hypothesis was accepted. In other words, the absurd remarks and actions of Japanese politicians, especially politicians with far-right tendencies, are infuriating the Korean people and affect their intention to boycott Japanese products. Fourth, the hypothesis of the verification result that Korean consumers' consumer hostility will have a positive (+) effect on their boycott intention of Japanese products was adopted. Because Korean consumers recognize that Korean products are superior to Japanese products in terms of technology, appearance, and quality, Korean consumers have an intention to boycott Japanese products. Conclusions : This study analyzed the intention to boycott Japanese products based on Korea's historical animosity, national animosity, political animosity, and consumer animosity toward Japan. Therefore, if a solution to the problem cannot be found in political and diplomatic relations, Korean consumers will distrust the Korean and Japanese governments, which will intensify their intention to boycott Japanese products.


본 연구는 일본의 역사적 만행, 독도문제, 강제징용 배상문제, 위안부 문제 역사교과서, 후쿠시 마 원전 오염수 방류문제 등 한국에 주는 악영향이 한국 국민의 적개심으로 이어져, 결국 일본 제품의 불매의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 한다. 본 분석을 위한 적개심 요인은 ‘역사적 적개심’, ‘국가적 적개심’, ‘정치적 적개심’, ‘소비자 적개심’이 불매의도에 미치는 영향을 분석 하고자 한다. 분석방법은 요인분석, 빈도분석, 다중회귀분석을 이용하여 적개심과 일본제품 불 매의도에 관한 결과를 도출하여 현재 발생요인 국가간 분쟁이 소비자 구매에 어떠한 연향을 미치는가에 대한 연구를 한다. 본 연구 결과를 요약해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국소비자의 역사적 적개심이 일본제품 불매 의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미칠 것이다의 가설 검증결과 채택되어 한국 소비자는 일본과 일본 제 품에 대해 극도로 회피하며, 일본제품을 불매하려는 경향을 엿볼 수 있다. 둘째, 한국소비자의 국가적 적개심이 일본제품 불매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미칠 것이다의 가설 검증 결과 가설은 채택되었다. 이는 즉, 우리나라는 일본과의 관계에서 현재 발생하고 있는 후쿠시마 원전 오염수 방류, 멍게 수입 요청, 지소미아 등 다양한 문제로 일본제품의 불매의도 가 강화될 것이라는 것이다. 셋째, 한국소비자의 정치적 적개심이 일본제품 불매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미칠 것이다의 가설 검증 결과 가설은 채택되었다. 즉, 일본의 정치인 특히 극우성향을 가진 정치인들의 망언과 행동은 한국 국민들에게 분개하게 하여 일본 제품에 대한 불매의도에 영향을 미치고 있다. 넷째, 한국소비자의 소비자 적개심이 일본제품 불매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미칠 것이다의 검증 결과 가설은 채택되었다. 한국의 소비자들은 한국제품이 일본제품보다 기술적, 외형적, 품질측 면에서 우수하다는 것을 인지하기 때문에 한국 소비자자는 일본제품에 대한 불매의도를 가지고 있다.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Study of Hostility and Hypotheses
Ⅲ. Research Design and Model
Ⅳ. Conclusions


  • J. Hong, Lee 이제홍. Professor, Depart. of International Trade, Chosun University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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