A Analysis of aviation-related laws on the definition of ‘in flight’
Korea's aviation industry has grown rapidly in a short period of time, and the importance of safety and security in aircraft operation has been deeply recognized. Aviation-related laws have been enacted in accordance with international regulations, but due to mistranslations in Korean translation of some aviation terms, there are cases in which the interpretation of the law regarding the definition of professional aviation terms is different in judicial judgments as well as those in the aviation field. In particular, among domestic aviation terms, “in flight” is mixed with other similar terms in aviation-related laws and is different in terms of time and space, or causing controversy over its clear definition. In this regard, I would like to review relevant precedents, domestic laws, international agreements, and foreign regulations, and propose improvement plans to apply them to domestic laws.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 운항 중의 의미와 관련된 판례
1. 법원 2015도8335 전원합의체 판결
2. 울행정법원 2017구합69564 판결
Ⅲ. 항공법상 “운항 중”의 개념
1. 국내 항공법상 “운항 중”의 개념
2. 국제항공법상 “운항 중”의 개념
3. 기타 해외 문헌
Ⅳ. 결론