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ATE(자동 테스트 장비) TPS 재호스트의 전압 강하 및 돌입 전류 제거


Removal of Voltage Drop and Inrush Current in ATE(Automatic Test Equipment) TPS Rehost

황우혁, 홍승범

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, TPS Rehost method is proposed to expand the maintenance capability. We have obtained software and ITA (Interface Test Adapter) production drawings for this purpose. In consideration of the differences between the old ATE (Automatic Test Equipment) and the new ATE, The software procedure was reversed to GPIB(General Purpose Interface Bus) programming method and the ITA production drawing was redesigned to fit the field. The redesigned software and hardware were integrated through an integrated test and found voltage drop and inrush current problems during the process. The voltage drop generally varies according to the length and thickness of the wire. The problem is solved by compensating for the reduced voltage, which is a method that does not affect the configuration of the ATE. The inrush current problem is caused by the DC Signal Generator. Analyzed result shows caused by changing the operation mode, and solved the problem by operating only in one operation mode which operate without any inrush current.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. ATE TPS Rehost 수행
1. ATE 차이점 검토
2. ITA 제작
3. Test Program 설계 및 컴파일
4. 통합시험(Debug)
Ⅲ. 전압강하 문제
1. 전압강하 개요
2. 전압강하 현상 및 원인 진단
3. 전압강하 해결 방안 및 결과 확인
Ⅳ. 돌입전류 문제
1. 돌입전류 개요
2. 돌입전류 현상 및 원인 진단
3. 돌입전류 해결 방안 및 결과 확인
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 황우혁 Woo-Hyok Hwang. 공군군수사령부 제86항공전자정비창 소령
  • 홍승범 Seung-Beom Hong. 한서대학교 항공전자공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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