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새로운 범죄관문으로서 다크웹과 테러범죄 대응에 관한 연구


A Study on the Response of the Dark Web and Terrorism as the New Criminal Inquiry

양승돈, 박웅신

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Everyone knows that the Internet is widespread, but it's more extensive than you know and contains information you don't know. This is not because you are not familiar with ICT. It's an area that can't be found on its own, and this is the dark web. This study examined the relevance of various terrorist crimes on the dark web, especially air terrorism. In other words, starting with a review of the structure of the Internet, including an understanding of the dark web, the terrorist trends of recent years have been examined. Lastly, three major countermeasures were proposed.. As a result of the study, the first is to stop terrorist criminals from acquiring the violent means through the Dark Web, and the second is to stop the spread of political, religious and ethnic purposes, which are important elements of terrorist crime. Finally, the value of freedom of expression that can arise through this was once again enhanced.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 새로운 범죄관문인 다크웹
1. 표면웹, 딥웹 그리고 다크웹
2. 다크웹 접속 수단인 TOR
3. 다크웹상 범죄행위의 실태 - 다크웹 마켓플레이스
Ⅲ. 테러범죄자들의 최근 경향 - 다크웹으로의 회피
1. 테러범죄의 급진화 전파 및 프로파간다 전파
2. 잠재적 범죄자의 모집과 교육
3. 테러범죄의 자금조달
4. 소결
Ⅳ. 나가며
1. 테러범죄의 수단 획득 저지
2. 테러범죄의 선전선동의 저지
3. 표현의 자유와의 고려


  • 양승돈 Seung-Don Yang. 김포대학교 경찰행정과 교수
  • 박웅신 Woong-Shin Park. 동서대학교 경찰행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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