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직무만족도 조사에 따른 항공보안검색요원의 전문성 제고 방안에 대한 연구


A Study on the Future Aviation Security Based on Biometric Technology


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the number of airport users continues to grow over the past decade and the increasing threat to terrorism and terrorism against civil aviation has led to an increasing number of aviation security vulnerabilities, the infrastructure involved, including aviation security equipment, is becoming more advanced. In response, the relevant organizations and States, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), are make an endeavor in many ways to strengthen aviation security.Workers engaged in aviation security work are classified as airport special security guards and air security search personnel and they can be considered as performing important tasks in airport safety and security. However, due to the vertical organizational culture arising from the nature of the task and the high resignation rate by heavy workload, personnel input with a lack of professionalism and the lack of security supervisors, it is difficult to maintain order at the airport and at the same time some cases of failure and failure in aviation security have occurred. Therefore, the government is endeavoring to take various measures for the enhancement of aviation security in terms of quality, including measures to enhance expertise in 'Aviation Security Master Plan', but it is a situation that there is a lack of comprehensive measures to enhance the expertise of aviation security personnel, which is one of the main factors in aviation security. The security screening is considered the beginning of the journey that air passengers face when they visit the airport and the biggest factor to determine their satisfaction with a passenger experience at the airport. Since, among these, an air security screening personnel can be classified as service personnel who are actually facing with passengers and who are in the position of screening, this study aims to find a way to be efficient, perfect, and faithful to safety and security tasks by seeking the ways to relieve the stress and pressure of air security search personnel, enhance their professionalism. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify whether job satisfaction of aviation security screening personnel is a deterrent to the professionalism of aviation security personnel by conducting a task satisfaction survey among aviation security personnel who are actually higher interaction with passengers and to contribute to the formation of comprehensive measures to further enhance aviation security by seeking improvements.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 국제 항공보안 관련 기준 및 국내외 항공보안검색요원 운영체계 현황
1. 항공보안 관련 국제기준
2. 해외 항공보안검색요원 운영체계 현황
3. 국내 항공보안검색요원 운영체계 현황
4. 국내외 항공 보안검색요원 교육현황
Ⅲ. 직무만족도 설문조사
1. 직무만족 및 스트레스에 관한 이론적 고찰
2. 직무만족도 조사의 설계
3. 직무만족도 설문조사의 분석 결과
Ⅳ. 시사점 및 종합대책 도출
1. 국내 항공보안인력 현황에 대한 시사점
2. 항공보안인력 직무 만족도 조사 관련 시사점
3. 종합대책 도출
4. 항공보안인력 전문성 제고 종합대책
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 이강석 Kang-Seok Lee. 한서대학교 항공교통물류학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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