The Actual Condition of Sexual Violence Against Cabin Crew in Aircraft and Standards of Sexual Violence
Amid the trend of internationalization, the Korean aviation industry has achieved remarkable growth. However, the growth of the aviation industry has also increased problems in various fields such as aviation safety and aviation security. Among them, according to a survey by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea from 2013 to 2018, sexual assault crimes against cabin crew members were reported to have increased in 2018. It has increased by about three times compared to before, and sexual assault against cabin crew is an obvious in-flight illegal activity, but the incidence rate continues to increase. According to surveys from Australia and the United States, which show the leading position of sexual violence in aircraft, the increase in sexual violence in aircraft is a global phenomenon. Cabin crew is a person who performs duties for safety in the aircraft, and sexual violence against the crew is a risk to aviation safety, and the damage goes to passengers in the aircraft, so various measures to reduce sexual violence against cabin crew This must be prepared.In order to effectively reduce sexual violence against cabin crew, not only severe punishment, but also by recognizing the current situation of sexual violence against cabin crew and clearly notifying the standards of sexual violence against cabin crew. I think it can be prevented.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 주요 국가 실태조사 사례
1. 호주 운송노동자조합의 실태조사
2. 전미 항공승무원연합의 실태조사
3. 대한민국 국토교통부 실태조사
4. 기타
Ⅲ. 주요 국가 실태조사 결과
1. 호주 운송노동자조합의 실태조사 결과
2. 전미 항공승무원엽합의 실태조사 결과
3. 대한민국 국토교통부의 실태조사 결과
Ⅳ. 객실승무원 대상 성폭력 행위의 기준