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안티드론(Counter-UAS) 방어 기술의 발전과 공항을 중심으로한 고찰


A Study on the Development of Counter-UAS Technology and Defense System of UAVs at the Airport

오세진, 정진만, 김완준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is no exaggeration to say that the unmanned aerial system (UAS) was developed for military purposes and developed through war. Drones have expanded from a simple reconnaissance mission to a role as long-distance reconnaissance and attack aircraft following the war with Al-Qaeda that began with the 9/11 terrorist attack, expanding the technical use area of unmanned flight systems. Due to the US military's war against terrorism, al Qaeda also remodels commercial drones or uses paramilitary drones to counter the US military. In addition to terrorism, illegal activities such as invasion of privacy and invasion of no-fly zones are prevalent in the private sector due to the reckless operation of drones. The most vulnerable time in airport security is the take-off and landing time of aircraft. At this time, if a physical impact is applied to the engine or the cockpit, it may lead to a steering disorder or incapacity of the aircraft. The physical impact of unmanned aerial vehicles is higher than that of birds, and if an attack is carried out with the intention of terrorism, it cannot be stopped by existing defense systems due to artificial intelligence or autonomous flight. Defense technologies to counter the evolving threat of unmanned aerial vehicles, like spears and shields, are also evolving. The purpose of this study is to consider the technologies that can be defended against illegal acts and attacks, and to use them as basic data for future research tasks.


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 목적
Ⅱ. 현황
1. 무인비행체계의 공격
2. 무인항공기의 불법행위
3. 무인항공기의 탐지
4. 방어(무력화) 기술
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언


  • 오세진 Se-Jin Oh. FineVT Robotics Lab 선임연구원
  • 정진만 Jin-Man Jeong. 한국항공대하교 항공우주법 석사과정
  • 김완준 Wan-Jun Kim. 뉴보은(주) 선임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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