A Study on Establishment of Risk-based SeMS for ICAO GASeP Implementation
As the threat level of terrorists to civil aviation, the international community agreed on the need for a concrete and systematic global roadmap to enhance aviation security. In response, ICAO adopted the GASeP at its 39th General Assembly in 2016. GASeP selected five priority outcomes to enhance the awareness and responsiveness of aviation-related parties, to enhance aviation security culture and human capabilities, to promote technological enhancement and institutional improvement, to improve security supervision and level management, and to expand cooperation and support at home and abroad. In addition, 32 implementation plans and 94 roadmap implementation tasks were selected. However, the current security measures in Korea do not fully reflect the original intent of GASeP. The main goal of GASeP is to establish risk-based approach for all security areas by risk management measures such as SeMS. In order to operate SeMS, data collection is essential, which is closely related to security culture. Therefore, this paper tries to present the establishment of a SeMS based on the requirements that GASeP is aiming for and the establishment of a security culture to promote self-reporting system.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 글로벌 항공보안 동향과 국제사회의 대응
Ⅱ. 본론
1. ICAO 국제항공보안계획(GASeP)
2. 위험기반 접근방식과 항공 안전관리체계
3. 항공 보안분야의 위험기반 관리체계
Ⅲ. 제언
1. 위험관리 규정 법제화
2. 항공보안 데이터베이스 구축
3. 항공보안문화 증진 방안
Ⅳ. 결론